Friday, October 24, 2014


So, have you ever been in a situation where you get, say, the perfect idea for a character and you don't have anywhere to make a note of it? Or maybe by the time you find something, you've forgotten what it was that you were going to write down. Believe me, I've been in this situation so many times that I've lost count. I've thought of a perfect name, and say, "Oh, I'll remember." Guess what? I fall asleep that night thinking, "What was that name?" Then it takes me forever to fall asleep as I rack my brains trying to remember. :) I've taken to carrying around a small three-ring binder or a notebook in my purse or at my side. Try to get yourself in the habit of taking something even if it's just one of the smaller notebooks. Trust me, you will be glad you did in the long run. If you have any other ideas that work for you, post a comment saying what it is!

On the go, I like carrying an emergency supply kit. It contains things like pens and pencils, erasers, my binder or notebook, a good book or two, some gum or something small, and a water bottle. Feel free to perfect this to your own needs. Maybe you'll want a tablet instead of a book, or put in a chocolate bar along with the gum. It's up to you. It's pretty easy to put together, so I don't keep it all in one place. I just throw it in a bag when it's time to go.

Hope that this helps all those writers, who, like me, need a supply kit for emergencies on the go.


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