There are two main types of writers: plotters and pantsers. Today we will be going through the basic types of both.
There are different types of pantsers. For these examples, I am going to use writing, considering this is a (mainly) writing blog. ;)
Class A - The Choosers: You choose to do other things with your time. You realize that you ought to be doing your writing, but you just choose not to. Once the day is out, you slap your hand to your forehead, and honestly regret your decisions, but don't know how to right them. (
Class B - The Forgetfuls: You honestly do not realize that you are pantsing. It's only once the time is gone that you realize that you should have written.
Class C - The Do-It-Laters: You insist that you will "do it later". Then, once the day is gone, you remember.
Those are the three main classifications of the creature commonly called the "pantser". Most pantsers are born with "pantserism", but a few contract this mysterious disease.
Just as some writers are naturally born with this, some are naturally born "plotters".
The mysterious creature that is the plotter is an intelligent one. They plot out their stories ahead of time and plan their writing time. This one isn't found everywhere; some do not plan out when they will write.
Class A - The All-Outers: You plot out their story, allot your writing time, and make character charts/Pinterest boards all ahead of time. (Those of you who classify as an "All-Outer", I applaud you.)
Class B - The Plotters: You do not necessarily allot writing time for yourself, but you do plot out significant events of your story before you begin!
Class C - The Developers: You develop your characters beforehand. You also flesh out where you want the story to start and where you want it to end.
I hope this has been an insightful visit on plotters and pantsers!
I am in class B of the Plotters. :P