I was nominated for a blogging award!! :D I was nominated by my friend Alyssa over at the blog The Honeydrop Post. It's an amazing blog run by a marvelous person, so go over and check it out!
This is thrilling, my friends. Perfectly thrilling.
Hence, the award rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and post the link to their blog.
2. Answer the questions the blogger has provided.
3. Nominate four other bloggers.
4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.
Without further ado, to begin!
My Answers:
1. What is the one thing that you own that you would LOVE to be able get rid of but can't bring yourself to give away?
I have some stuffed animals that I want to get rid of (in some moods), but can't make myself do it. *sniffs sentimentally* I'm personally invested in them, even if I never touch them anymore.
....anyway, let's go on.
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Rome! I've always wanted to go to Rome.
3. What was the last song you listened to?
Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold (Extended Version).
4. Who is your favorite book character?
Ugh, just one? Well, I've always loved Anne from Anne of Green Gables series.
*walks away before I can start overflowing with fangirlness or go back on my decision ;)*
5. Do you dream in color?
I barely ever dream, but when I do, yes, it is in color.
6. If you could have one skill for a day that you've never had, what would it be?
I've always wanted to have a good aim, but sadly I don't. I can't hit most things for my life. (Which includes throwing trash into the trashcan. It's embarrassing, my friends.)
7. If someone based a character in a book/movie/play off of you, who do you think it would be?
Jane Eyre. I may appear quiet and shy at first, but I'm actually an incredibly intelligent, independent person. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and I value honesty and justice deeply. I don't let the "rules" of society tell me what I can and cannot be.
8. What is your favorite sound?
A crackling and popping fire. I love that sound because it makes me feel warm and content inside.
9. What ten words would you use to describe your dream home?
Cozy, warm, stylish (face it, that one might not be happening, though), home, love, refuge, bookshelved*, personal-library, inhabited, and musical.
10. What is one wish of yours that you want to come true before you die? (Spill your deepest desires out, here. Dream BIG. It's the best way to get anything done, you know.
This one is more vague, but I want to write something that people choose to read over and over again, love, and say, "This book changed my life for the better" or "This is what started me on my walk with Christ".
The nominees!
My Questions for the Nominees:
1. What is your favorite book quote?
2. Are you a cat or dog person?
3. Do you prefer sad endings or happy endings (in books, movies, etc.)? Why?
4. How would you describe your sense of style in five words?
5. What is your favorite time of day?
6. Do you have any hobbies that your followers don't know, that you'd like to share?
7. What is one thing that you couldn't live without? (In case you're wondering, answers like air and water don't count. ;) )
8. If you could make one scent into a candle, what scent would you choose?
9. Do you have a favorite accessory?
10. If every time you walked into a room, a song started playing, what song would you pick?
Thank you for reading and thank you again for nominating me, Alyssa! ^-^
{*bookshelved: Now an official term (coined by yours truly) meaning full of bookshelves. :) }
Happy writing!
Happy writing!
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