About Me

Pen Name: Autumn, (Princess) Leia, Leila, really anything that floats your boat.

Age: Old enough to write a blog, and young enough to love Disney. :)

Favorite Clothes: Comfy sweatshirt, sweatpants, knee socks, and glasses. Oh yeah, she's almost always holding/reading a book.

Skills/Hobbies: Writing, reading, violin,  sketching, obsessing over obscene details in worldbuilding, calligraphy, and writing poetry.

Quirks: Tendency to push at glasses when doing almost anything. Hates the sound of metal on metal. Likes things to be neat, but doesn't like making them that way too often. Searches Pinterest for things related to Meyers-Briggs (she's an INFJ) during her writing time. A little bit anti-social, but loves people.

Ambitions: She wants to publish her book, finish every good book in existence, raise Mal-Shihs, the cutest dogs ever, learn to speak Latin fluently, travel, learn to serve the LORD, write another book....

Strengths: She is kind, has a good memory, has a tendency to be a perfectionist, quick learner, optimist, and is very creative.


  1. Wow, sounds like we have a lot in common! And yes, I tend to do the glasses-pushing thing, too. :P High-five for Latin!

    1. It's nice to see that I have things in common with... other people. (Haha, I'm joking. ;) ) High-five for Latin!
