Friday, February 20, 2015

Character Names

One of the first things you pin down in character development is their name. (Note: I said one. ;) There are many 'first things'.) But names are essential. Your character has to have a name. That's how you keep track of them, and make them more relatable to your audience.

On rare occasions, your characters will practically name themselves, or you create them already knowing their name. But what do you do when they don't?

I enjoy using baby name generators and books. Nameberry and Behind The Name are just two examples. Also SheKnows and various blogs.
A simple Google search will do the trick in this case. Search "baby name generator" and add "male/boy" or "female/girl" depending on the gender you're looking for. If you have any more specifics in what you're looking for, type that in as well! It never hurts to be more specific. :)

In my fantasy, I often make up names for them. Sometimes, I take a popular name and twist it, changing it somehow to create a whole different name. Another method is to try out sounds, joining them together to create a name you like.

One thing to avoid while naming characters:
Don't name them after famous people, or similar characters in other books. This just leads to confusion and annoyance on the part of your readers.

I hope this helps you! I know I often need help when it comes to naming. :)

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